Your April Greenmarket Guide



As farmers begin to plant their crops, we begin CSA signup season. CSAs or Community-Supported Agriculture, are essentially produce subscription boxes directly from your local farmer. At the beginning of the season, you sign up to receive a “share” of fresh, seasonal, vegetables from the farm every week — usually for pick up, not delivery. Check out Bluedot’s CSA guide for more information, and a list of local Brooklyn CSAs

Cold-weather vegetables are beginning to sprout. Parsnips, spinach, asparagus, watercress, and mesclun (also known as spring mix) all come into season in April! Add some baby spinach to a mesclun mix, throw in some watercress, and top with vegetables for a perfect springtime salad. 

Some vegetables that are still available include root vegetables such as beets, carrots, potatoes, and turnips. Heartier vegetables such as cabbage, onions, and winter squash are also available, though we are nearing the end of the season for all of these vegetables. 

Chives come into season in the early spring. Fresh chives make for an excellent garnish on many dishes and taste delicious when added to soups, dips, mashed or baked potatoes, fish, seafood dishes and omelets. Be careful when adding chives to hot food, heat destroys their delicate flavor, so it’s best to add chives at the last minute.

Nettles are available, though not widely sold. Nettles are a great holistic herb and are best when harvested young. The nettle’s leaves are packed with iron, vitamin C, magnesium, and calcium. Make a tea, blanch them, or cook the nettle leaves like you would spinach and enjoy the nutritious benefits.

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Horseradish, and sprouts are in season right now. Both are powerful foods that are worth trying if you’ve never picked them up. Horseradish is packed with nutrients, and naturally antibacterial, plus, it has been known to aid with digestion. Sprouts are incredibly nutrient dense — a cup of broccoli sprouts has the same health benefits as 50 cups of broccoli!

To learn more about greenmarkets, or to find one near you in Brooklyn, check out or

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Michaela Keil
Michaela Keil
Michaela Keil is the Editor of Bluedot Living Brooklyn, and the Managing Editor, Special Projects, for the Brooklyn Eagle. When she's not writing, you can either find her outside — in the rain, shine, snow, or cold — or inside baking bread. Find her on twitter @mkeil16.
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