Discover Sustainable Living in Brooklyn

Welcome to Bluedot Living Brooklyn, your go-to source for climate news and solutions across the borough. Meet your neighbors who are taking steps toward change, browse local in-season recipes, and find advice on ways to reduce your impact on Earth at home and in your neighborhood.

Discover Sustainable Living in Brooklyn

Welcome to Bluedot Living Brooklyn, your go-to source for climate news and solutions across the borough. Meet your neighbors who are taking steps toward change, browse local in-season recipes, and find advice on ways to reduce your impact on Earth at home and in your neighborhood.


Field Notes

From the Urban Wild

Dear Dot

Dear Dot: Is Organic Food Really Better?

Dear Dot, I’m a Harvard alum and a recent article in the Gazette indicated that organic food is no better than conventionally grown. What say...

Dear Dot: Is it Okay if I Plant Seed Paper? 

Dear Dot, I recently received a card that’s printed on “seed” paper — that paper that has wildflower seeds embedded in it that we, presumably,...

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Brooklyn's Environmental Beat


Sustainable Recipes All Season Long

Green Spaces

Your backyard is the city

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